843.91 M454nE c.1
Relationships. That is a important issue in this book. Personally, I am afraid of relationship. Seriously.
First, I will start with the relation that Luis, who is the main character, had with his mother. They both were quite closed, yet the mother kind of overprotected him, and create in him a feeling of paranoia. I have to say that this in particular happens all the time with us or among others. Our loved ones are always traying to protect us, not aware of the damage they are doing to our lifes. To illustrate, being overprotected could end with us being closed-minded, cold, individualist, or, even worse, unable to connect with others or developing an antisocial behavior. Personally, I was never overprotected. To be honest, It was quite the opposite. That is why I am so reserved and quiet, because I grew up alone.
Second, there is the strong relationship Luis and Isa had in the beginning, when they met. In brief, we all have exprerienced love once, and we all know that it is either great or awful. Certainly, it is so important that our whole future perspective could rely on how we manage to be happy or miserable in that point of our lifes. For example, Luis was strongly happy with Isa loving him at the begining, yet his mother was always telling him that it was not love at all, that is was an economical interest on his fortune and nothing else. However, Luis wanted to believe otherwise; he yearned for Isa actually loving him, for who he really was. Nevertheless, the ideas of paranoia his mother had filled his head with finally went visually real. In other words, as I said before, if things do not turn out well in this point for you, you will be miserable for the rest of your existence, just like Luis. He turned uot to be a lonely cold-hearted man.
To finish, I would like to say that what I liked the most about this book was the magnitude of hate that Luis had in his heart. How can someone be so hurt inside that would plan a revenge to show his enemies (his family) that he is in fact smarter than them? Actually, all he wanted was just a little bit of love from his wife who he secretly loved (and hated eventually) all his life, untill she was dead.