On my winter break, I didn't do much actually. During the first week, I just lay on my bed feeling as tired as hell, doing absolutely nothing productive (I am NOT ashamed of it :P!)! Then, the second week, I had to work full time as a substitute of my boss. It was a pretty stressing long and never ending week! I just could not wait to finish it! When I eventually completed the period of time established by my bosses, I decided to go out with my friends during the whole week I had left, and do something fun for a change. Later on, I started to give classes of drawing to some people for free. That was quite an experience I should say, and also I made new friends thanks to that (which is something that just does not come naturally to me). To finish, since I earned some extra money substituting my boss, I ended up in a bookstore buying books that I won't have the time to read... (duh!). One of them is called “El error de Darwin” by C. Kaiser, a new Chilean writer. I must say that is absolutely captivating; I mean, once you star reading it, you just can not stop! It is almost like every little word of it is in its right place, nothing is told just because. The greatest thing of that book is that, besides the real meaning of the stories, it has a hilarious sense of humor. I hope to finish reading it soon!
That's all I can tell you for now C: !